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Oracle Healing

Healing Is More Than Physical

No matter what affliction you suffer from, there are layers to it.

The purpose of this blog post is to explore the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of healing in the human experience.

It is each individual's responsibility to explore the various layers of the self and to bring each aspect into alignment with well-being. It's okay to get help from others when truly needed but the ultimate responsibility of your well-being is yours.

Well-Being is founded on the presence of love within the self.

Suffering is nothing more than the result of someone's unwillingness to love themselves appropriately in a certain area of their life.

Nothing happens by accident.

Occasionally, the result of poor health is past life karma that finally caught up, but even that would have been founded on a lack of love. Meditating on your multi-dimensional self while extending love to those errored lives is one way of beginning to address such things.

Surrendering the guilt attached to those lives to the Holy Spirit is another way, but that is a topic for another post.

Majority reading this have manifested their suffering from decisions and experiences created in this current lifetime and seeing as it is the life you are living now, Now is the most important moment to focus on.

You may not understand how your suffering, in all it's various manifestations can be a result of only one issue - not enough love - but I will explain;

Lack of emotional nurturing is a lack of love, regardless of the reasons used to propel the emotional neglect. When feelings arise, they hold within them the truth according to your perspective and needs. To neglect or dismiss them is to determine yourself as unworthy of your needs. That is not very loving.

Emotional issues can create many types of physical and mental ailments including excessive body weight, cancer, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and so on.

Lack of boundaries is a lack of love. When you do not protect yourself, even in subtle ways, you make a statement to yourself and the world that you are worthless, or at least worth very little. Do you love trash which can be found unguarded anywhere you look or do you love the things that get protected and cared for? You are the rule maker for you - you must decide to protect yourself or leave yourself unguarded.

Likewise, too intense of boundaries is not loving. When you shut yourself off from all that life has to offer you because of fear, you close yourself off from receiving the loving experiences that would otherwise be available to you. Just like the museums so many love to visit, we must curate the ideal protection for ourselves according to our needs, which means safety from those who would do harm but availability to those who would admire and enjoy the gift of you.

Poor boundaries/protection can lead to manifesting scenarios for physical, mental, and/or emotional abuse from others. It also tends to lead to poor decision making in terms of actions as well. That can look like a careless choice that places you in harms way or it can be a "simple" over-extension of self for the benefit of others but at the expense of your own health.

Lack of motivation is a lack of love. One only lacks motivation when a decision has been made internally that you are not worth investing in; when the future as been gleamed as unfulfilling and without hope for joy or success of any kind. There is a picture of your life that lives in your heart that does light you up and it does inspire joy, but it is a lack of love for yourself that keeps you from taking action to make it real. The excuses of limitation are only there to support your stance of not being worth it, but if you chose to love yourself unconditionally in the now moment, you would find there is always a solution beyond the limitations and your heart's dream life is indeed attainable.

Matters of the heart operate on the natural currency of the heart - Love. Without investing love into yourself, you will never be able to afford your dream life. If you're not living a lie you love, you have set yourself up for depression.

Physical ailments are the final result of long-lived inner narratives that lack love. Injuries to the left side of your body are connected to your inner feminine and/or your mother. The right side is your inner masculine and/or your father. Heart burn is rage within the heart, which really is just a cover of deep grief. Issues with the legs have to do with fear of moving forward or a belief that you are not able to move forward, etc.

Symbolism is alive within all of life.

"A picture is worth a thousand words" - well, your whole visual experience of life is a collection of images in motion. Look to the image of your body as the same; there is a story being told within your body and it's up to you to decipher the true message.

You may say there is no science to this but you are wrong.

The Unified Field Theory of quantum physics has proven this to be a universe built on vibration. Matter is a collection of atoms vibrating at various frequencies (speeds). The denser the object, the lower/slower the vibration. A mass of density within the body is evidence of low vibration. Sound is vibration and so are thoughts. Evil thoughts and sounds create evil experience. Loving thought and sound creates loving and healthy experience.

The remedy for that which is not love, is Love - the highest vibration available.

Those who allow themselves to be healed by others are accepting the loving attention of another as sufficient for the moment but it is not the ultimate solution. More will arise later, and in other ways, as long as you refuse to love yourself appropriately.

You may claim you already love yourself and think it is others that are the problem, but are you really loving yourself from the perspective of Highest Integrity? Do you spend each moment only where you belong and around those you belong with, talking about the solutions and passions of the heart? Do you have clear boundaries that do not tolerate disrespect? Are they soft enough to still welcome safe and intimate (deeply knowing and accepting) connections in peace? Are you grateful to yourself for all you provide and create for yourself that is good? Are you spending your time for your heart and soul? Are you being loving to yourself with your experience in every single way you can?

The truth is, we can all go higher and further with our love - it's a matter of willingness and commitment.

Even when it’s easy to perceive yourself as a victim in your story of suffering, it only manifested so loudly because you aligned some aspect of your reality, whether through fear, obligation, etc, to be unkind to yourself.

If you require something horrible to happen before you address a problem, your life will be one long horror show. If you hold the perspective of love in each moment and lead your life from that energy, then wonder, joy, and peace can unfold from you.

Let’s explore the layers of healing together now and see if you can identify where you need more love and clarity.

Physical illness/pain is the youngest layer of your dis-ease. Meaning, there was suffering within you over a matter well before the injury/illness/suffering manifested in your body.

Looking skin deep will never make sense of the cause of suffering.

There are many blogs on the internet that have already gone into description of the deeper spiritual messages behind various pains and illnesses in the body. Take the time to explore that information according to your own body and focus in on the deeper layers connected to those sufferings. Otherwise, place your hands on the injured part of you and inquire with the Holy Spirit, "What is really going on here?"

Once you have more information on the area of your body the suffering has manifested in, we move to the next layer to continue our search for clarity.

The injury is a result of a story being told. In order to change the story, you must first identify it.

The next layer is mental.

Many lack discipline of mind. When the mind is given free reign, it begins making all sorts of assumptions as if it is absolutely correct.

However, I'm sure you can recall at least one moment in your life when you assumed something and later came to see you were actually wrong.

It is easy to get fixed in personal view, since it is your personal experience you are living out, but your personal viewpoint is never the only one - meaning it could never be the Ultimate truth - and it is always unique to you.

Therefore, you should not allow your reality to revolve around the musings of the mind.

It is the weaving of the larger story that holds together the fabric of collective reality, and we cannot allow our egos to convince us that our individual experience is the one and only absolute.

After painful experiences, whether alone or with others, it is easy to tell a story that "supports" you but you must ask - "what is this narrative really supporting?"

Is it supporting anger? because you will be angry as long as you tell it from that view.

Does it support grief and victimhood? because you will never rise to success from that standing.

This takes us to the next layer - emotions.

Though the mental layer sits on top of the emotional layer, it comes into experiential expression in order to support the emotional layer beneath it.

Negative and limiting thoughts can be propellant of suffering but are themselves, just another symptom of a deeper issue.

Many dislike this next layer: emotions.

For some, they have built up significant emotional karma and lose themselves in the wildest of storms, desperate for help but seemingly all alone at sea.

Others never let themselves step foot on the boat to begin with. They would rather stay on dry land and avoid the risk of drowning.

Do not accept fear for yourself my dear brothers and sisters. There is another way to work through this step. Part of it involves the embracing of your current emotional reality, and the other part is surrender to a Higher experience, which we will discuss more in the next and final layer.

But first, we need nurturing and care from ourselves.

If you have no clue what you feel despite being able to identify the thoughts, writing down with a pen and paper whatever that story is will help you come to clarity. Write without judgement and if you need to commit to burning the paper after writing so that you can really write freely, then make that decision - just make sure you tell the complete truth. This is how you will discover what you really feel and why.

It is important to allow yourself to cry if the need to do so arises.

Surrender the judgements you hold about emotions and become Fully Available to yourself.

You will never allow yourself to be truly intimate with others (again, intimacy is to deeply know and accept) if you cannot be fully available to yourself emotionally even when you are alone.

There is nobody on Earth who has lived their whole life without ever being emotionally hurt.

If you don't address it, it will get worse.

The astrological sign that rules feelings is the sign of Cancer.

Likewise, the manifestation of the disease cancer is in fact, an emotional one.

Breast cancer is connected to emotional issues with femininity or the mother. Stomach cancer is unresolved issues over a life experience that you "cannot stomach" or digest. It sits and it spreads toxicity within you. Brain cancer is negative thoughts spurred by negative emotions, and so on.

Do not give your power away to illness - find the issue and give it the love and care it needs.

Emotions are information and it is essential you pay attention to them. They tell you where you feel a need for help.

They tell you what you love and value.

They tell you what is important to you.

They reveal to you what you believe is SO right and what you believe is SO wrong.

They tell you how much compassion exists in your heart...

Emotions are information and information is the most valuable resource on this planet.

You are RICH with information about how to live a good life, but you must perceive that information as valuable by doing something with it. When your emotions reveal a need for a change and a need for more love - MAKE THE CHANGE. GIVE THE LOVE.

If you can honor and love yourself enough to build your life around what you know to be true, right, and valuable by following the Good feelings, you can not only transform your life but the entire world!

There is no bypass of the need to cry. Maybe you just need one good cry every now and then, or maybe you need to cry every day. Tears don't always = pain. I cry nearly daily over the overwhelming love I feel from and for God...the point is, you must cry.

You are made up mostly of water and when you leave water to sit stagnant, it grows all sorts of nasty things in it. When it has a healthy flow, it remains clean and supportive of life.

Life itself is a felt-experience and you only lie to yourself by pretending that's not true.

Do not worship emotions and make them king of your experience, but honor them for the immense value they bring and do your part to keep your internal waters fresh.

(pro tip - drinking water throughout the day will absolutely change your life for the better. If you need to take baby steps with the emotional clearing, start by drinking more water and imagining it's flushing your system out of toxicity and bringing in health and love with every sip.)

Emotions are an important layer to address and are where most people get stuck, but you must know it is not the final layer. There are many things in life that you will not know how to feel better about regardless of how much you cry or soothe yourself. This is where soul acknowledgement is vital, and for many reasons.

On one hand there is karma to forgive. Karma from past wrong-doings will create all sorts of suffering in your life and must be addressed, but also, there is evil.

No matter how loving you become with yourself and others, there truly is a presence of evil in this world and nothing beyond Intimacy with God via identification with your Immortal Soul will bring you peace and protection from such evils.

When one forgets or rejects Unity with All That Is, soul-errors (also called sin) occur that create suffering.

It is the rejection of God that submits you to the power of evil. God is Good. I know this for fact. If you do not, it is your responsibility to come into knowing.

When I was a child, I knew I did not know the Truth of Life, but I believed there was a way to know it. I went to many churches and read many books on the subject, but that just bred confusion.

Ultimately, I asked God directly, and He Answered.

"ask and it is given"

If you never ask God who He is, you will never know for sure.

Think of God like a stranger - if you ask around about Him, perhaps you will be told the truth but perhaps you are asking people who do not know what they are saying.

Think of what strangers say of you; even consider your best friend, no matter how well they appear to know you, they do not know you entirely. They couldn't possibly.

But God is within you and All. God knows you perfectly and He is the only one who can reveal Himself to you Truthfully.

Will you let Him? Will you ask Him? Will you provide enough room for Him to Reveal Himself?

You cannot learn if you perceive yourself to already know.

Make yourself empty of what you think you know and let it be revealed. What do you actually have to lose by approaching God in this way? nothing. You can only gain.

My experience of God has been Love beyond words. It has been Mercy that created gratitude beyond expression. It has been peace and salvation from evils I cannot get into here and now...

God's Love is available for all who will receive it.

In the meantime, I have extended my love to you through the healing salve I make. I pray that it offers you the relief you need from the symptoms you suffer and I hope this blog post has helped guide you to resolving the root of your suffering.

Life provides just as much evidence of miracles as it does of tragedy.

It all comes down to what you will focus on.

Be well my friends.

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